Monday, September 30, 2019

Dama presented for examination Essay

A written account of practical work undertaken in year 11 resulting in a piece of drama presented for examination. We started the Christmas term 2001 with group warm-up exercises, before even thinking about what we were going to perform in late November or who we were going to work with. These were fun class activities, used to build up group relationships. We did such things as human noughts and crosses, using nine chairs in a 3 by 3 square with the girls as noughts and the boys as crosses. We played 5 games, resulting in one draw and the boys winning 3 to the girls’ 1. It was fun and used really to warm us up. We then went on to play two games of winking murder. We all sat round in a circle on chairs with our eyes closed while Mrs. Powles walked round the circle tapping someone on the shoulder, telling that person that they are the murderer. Then it’s all eyes open and we try to work out who the murderer is. Meanwhile, the murderer is winking discreetly at people, killing them. It was very enjoyable and it helped to build up group relationships. Following that, we were assigned the task of pretending to be a salesperson of some description at a drinks evening. We had to decide what we were selling and how to sell it. Once that was decided, we had to go around the class introducing ourselves to each other and trying to sell our product to them in under 2 minutes. It involved much interaction between us all and helped tremendously to strengthen group relationships. Shortly after, we were asked to write on a piece of paper who we wanted to work with and who we did not want to work with if we thought that we would not produce to the best of our ability if we were with them. Finally, I ended up working with Elise, which was great as I had never worked with her before and we were good friends. She didn’t seem to complain either, which was a good sign. Then we spent an entire double lesson going through all of Mrs. Powles’ plays that she had to decide on one to perform an extract out of for the exam in December. We settled finally on an extract from the play â€Å"The Norman Conquests† by Alan Ayckbourn, as we both decided that we wanted to do a comical piece, but not farcical, so it fitted nicely. After searching through the book for a while, we finally came across a suitable duologue between Norman and Sarah. Norman is a librarian, but this definitely does not define his character at all. He is a womaniser, married to Ruth, attempted to have an affair with her sister Annie who is engaged to Tom, and is now working his charms on his other sister-in-law, Sarah, Elise’s character, who is married to Reg. Sarah is a more strict, clean, and prim character. However, it is sometimes clear that Sarah is quite jealous of Annie because she is the one that Norman says he wants and she wants to replace Annie in Norman’s eyes. It does eventually happen, as in the second scene they kiss. The extract immediately appealed to both of us, so we decided to give it a try. The extract we did in November was actually two different dialogues taken from two different points in the play. The first is set in the living room in the house and the second is set in the garden. Immediate difficulties we experienced with the exert were few, but as ever there were some. The biggest problem in my mind at the beginning was how to perform the kissing part of the second scene effectively and without embarrassment. It really needed to look convincing as it is the peak of Sarah’s life, experiencing the closest thing she will ever feel to true love. It was essential that this came across in the performance. Then came the blocking of the scenes. First of all we just exchanged ideas and thoughts, coming up with a skeletal plan for how to go about performing both scenes. We discussed things such as how lines should be spoken, facial expressions and other small but significant effects. Afterwards we concentrated mainly on the first scene to get that near-perfect before trying the second scene. Once we had familiarized ourselves with the scene and had fairly certain ideas about what to do, we started to really act it out. Not long after, we did hot-seating as a class in which the person in the hot-seat had to answer their questions as their character. I enjoyed listening to other people answer questions with much thought, as they delved into previously unexplored regions of their character. When my turn came, I found it to be a very interesting experience, being able to answer questions as a different person. I had to capture his frame of mind and be able to answer the questions convincingly as Norman. It really helped me to get to grips with Norman’s character, behaviour and motivation and also to further my acting ability as Norman. When it was Elise’s turn, it too helped me to understand her character better than I previously did, which enabled me to respond to her better in the play. Following that, we spent most, if not all, of our time concentrating on the first scene, filling in the gaps and finalising parts of it. Performing it in front of the class also helped a lot as it was open to criticism and any ideas from the class or Mrs. Powles. One idea that really affected what we had rehearsed so far was that at the beginning of the first scene, Sarah storms in and physically removes my feet from the arm of the armchair before she sits on it. We had thought this to be a good idea to convey that Sarah was angry with Norman, which she was. The suggestion was that this was not a bad idea, just that it would be more effective if Sarah came in and stared at my feet distastefully, as if daring me to leave them there. When I then remove them, she brushes the arm with her hand before sitting in the chair. This, we decided, was much better than our original plan as it shows that Sarah is a less physical person, more prim and uptight. Throughout all the extract from then on, the amount of physical interaction Sarah did was kept to a bare minimum. We started needing the script less and less and we started on the second scene – a definite sign of all-round progress. I found the second scene much more difficult to do than the first, mainly for two reasons. The first was that I had to act drunk, as prior to this scene, offstage, Norman has been consuming large amounts of wine. The real difficulty with this was that I had to appear drunk by staggering around and slurring my words. The staggering part was okay to act but the slurring was the real problem as I still had to be understood by the audience. With practice and advice form Mrs. Powles, however, this problem was soon overcome. The second problem was the kissing part. We knew this would be difficult when we chose the piece, but we still chose to do it. Once the initial embarrassment of it was overcome, there was still an awkward feeling as Elise was my friend. But this we endured right up to the end. As the exam date drew nearer, we spent our time polishing up the piece and adding finishing touches to it, such as sound effects and music. We spent a lot of time searching through the sound effects for some birdsong to be used at the beginning of the second scene, just to inform the audience that it was set outside. As for music, we originally thought about using â€Å"When a man loves a woman†, but in the end we decided on using â€Å"Irresistible† by the Corrs. For lighting effects, we used straw and golden gels on fresnel spots. With regards to costume, we decided that I would look best in a pair of corduroy trousers with a check shirt. But unfortunately I could not obtain a pair of corduroy trousers, so we settled for a pair of chinos with a leather belt. This, we thought, conveyed Norman’s character quite well; not trendy or modern, yet laid back and charming. For Sarah, we both decided that Elise would look appropriate in a grey skirt suit, as it would convey Sarah’s prim and proper personality. When the final day came, it went very smoothly. Neither of us made any real mistakes and our lines were as perfect as they ever would have been. Overall we were both very pleased with our final performance. And, thankfully the audience did seem to enjoy it as they laughed in all the right places, sometimes a bit more enthusiastically than we both had previously expected, which could have meant only good things.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon is Good Richard Nixon is considered to be one of the worst presidents of our time and for very good reasons. He lied under oath about knowledge of the Watergate scandal, he illegally invaded Cambodia and violated international law, and he installed wiretaps. All these actions caused him to resign from the Presidential office. What we don't think about, is all the good he did. Nixon did a lot for our country.From foreign affairs o the environment, he accomplished much during his time as president. First of all, one of his greatest accomplishments was the d ©tente with the Republic of China. He was the first president to visit the country, and he opened trade with China and bettered the economy by making China its biggest trade partner. He came to agreements with both China and the Soviet Union where the use of nuclear weapons would stop being used. Nixon accomplished much with our nation's environment.He passed many acts hich included the National Environmental Policy of 1969, The Environmental Protection Agency of 1970, The Clean Air Act Extension of 1970, Marine Mammal Protection of 1972, the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. We can thank him for making our environment a better place. Besides improving our environment, President Nixon also accomplished much under Civil Rights. It is because of Nixon that women have equal pay and employment opportunities today.Nixon also worked towards racism towards African Americans and helped stop the segregation towards them in the school systems. Even though President Nixon had a lot of faults and made a lot of mistakes, he couldVe handled things a lot better. So why look at only his faults? He did a lot for our country and doesn't deserve all the mistrust that people feel towards him. History seems only to remember the faults of people, but in the very end, he was actually a really good president Richard Nixon Richard Nixon is Good Richard Nixon is considered to be one of the worst presidents of our time and for very good reasons. He lied under oath about knowledge of the Watergate scandal, he illegally invaded Cambodia and violated international law, and he installed wiretaps. All these actions caused him to resign from the Presidential office. What we don't think about, is all the good he did. Nixon did a lot for our country.From foreign affairs o the environment, he accomplished much during his time as president. First of all, one of his greatest accomplishments was the d ©tente with the Republic of China. He was the first president to visit the country, and he opened trade with China and bettered the economy by making China its biggest trade partner. He came to agreements with both China and the Soviet Union where the use of nuclear weapons would stop being used. Nixon accomplished much with our nation's environment.He passed many acts hich included the National Environmental Policy of 1969, The Environmental Protection Agency of 1970, The Clean Air Act Extension of 1970, Marine Mammal Protection of 1972, the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. We can thank him for making our environment a better place. Besides improving our environment, President Nixon also accomplished much under Civil Rights. It is because of Nixon that women have equal pay and employment opportunities today.Nixon also worked towards racism towards African Americans and helped stop the segregation towards them in the school systems. Even though President Nixon had a lot of faults and made a lot of mistakes, he couldVe handled things a lot better. So why look at only his faults? He did a lot for our country and doesn't deserve all the mistrust that people feel towards him. History seems only to remember the faults of people, but in the very end, he was actually a really good president Richard Nixon On August 8th 1974 Richard Nixon became the first American president ever to resign from office. His final action was the imminent consequence of more than two years of political controversy, of public displays of discontent towards the media, and ultimately of obvious attempts to minimize and cover up a scandal that, in the end, proved to be fatal for the outcome of his presidential mandate. He would later recall, â€Å"This was the nightmarish end of a long dream† (Associated Press, 1999). His last address to the nation as a standing president must be seen through this perspective and through the lens of the historical circumstances of the time.The overall perception of the exact purpose of the speech is still debatable, some of his critics accusing him of not giving a resignation speech, but rather a persuasive one. Despite these differences in ideas, one can reach a common ground and the conclusion that Nixon, while making his final official speech, also tried to save a di gnifying image for posterity, later on implicitly underlining the importance the judgment of history had for him: â€Å"The jury has already come in, and there's nothing that's going to change it. There's no appeal. Historians will judge it harshly.†(Stacks, 1994).In order to fully grasp the complex message behind the speech delivered by Nixon, certain elements are essential for building a proper image of the historical background of the time. Cristina Schaffner, in citing Christoph Sauer, points out the necessity for analyzing the wider context of the political discourse in order to understand and capture its overall meaning.She considers that â€Å"the analysis of political speeches in particular and political discourses in general should relate linguistic structures to larger contexts of communicative settings and political functions. Any public speech is part of a larger, more extensive communicative process and it is characterized as a strategic move in an overarching c ommunicative plan. It can therefore be assessed properly only if the larger context is taken into account†( Schaffner, 1993, 203).Richard Nixon was the 37th elected president of the US and had the uphill endeavor of leading his nation through some of the most trying times of its history. Henry Kissinger, his Secretary of State would later on acknowledge the fact that â€Å"Nixon was the first president, after Theodore Roosevelt, to lead his country’s foreign policy largely in the name of the national interest†(Kissinger, 1995, 636). He admits, as do numerous other experts in external policy, that â€Å"the Nixon Administration was given the task of withdrawing the American troops from its first experience of a lost war, and from the first external commitment in which the American moral convictions collided with what was possible to achieve†(Kissinger,1995, 586).Therefore, the Vietnam War was the major issue of Nixon’s presidency. Another critical is sue was that of the US-USSR relations that were in a tight point at the beginning of his term in office in 1969. Intimately connected was the situation with China which proved to be delicate and in demand of a diplomatic resolution. Stacks points out these elements: â€Å"By sheer endurance, he was the most important figure of the postwar era.Nixon put the country through some of its worst times, leading the red-scare politics of the 1950s, escalating the war in Vietnam in order to end it, trying with all his enormous energy and guile to defeat the legal processes that closed in on him during the Watergate scandal†(Stacks, 1994). Thus, it not the conduct of the foreign policy that brought his resignation, but rather his continuous conflicts with the Congress, that is the dispute between the Executive and the Legislative. All these aspects of the political reality are dealt with, some more than others, in his final speech.Depending on his motivation, Nixon targeted more than o ne audience in his speech. Smith argues that â€Å"understanding the American audience in terms of the issues it holds dear, the positions it takes on those issues and the way it measures character is crucial to crafting speeches that resonate with the public.   Furthermore, due to the modern media, the president often addresses more than one audience at a time† (Smith, 2006).It was expected of him to start with the most pressing development of internal politics, which was the Watergate scandal. His political career had been stained by the possibility of being accused of obstructing justice procedures and abuse of power, yet his considerations on the matter were rather reluctant and until the final end, set for denial of all evidence shown to him in this respect (Impeachment, 2006). It was only after the irrefutable proof of taped conversations demonstrating his implication in the scandal that he tacitly admitted his guilt and acted on his resignation (Legacy: Richard M. Ni xon, 37th president, 2006).Stacks even comments on the idea, calling the attention to the fact that â€Å"no other President in American history had been revealed to be so cynically, so selfishly breaking the law to preserve his own power. Other Presidents may have acted as ignobly, but none was caught so nakedly† (Stacks, 1994). Nixon’s mentioning of the scandal in the speech was quite lapidary, the term â€Å"Watergate† only being used twice throughout the text. It is therefore clear to say that he attempted to underplay its importance and to change the focus of the attention towards other aspects of his political actions.Within this line of argumentation, Nixon tried to appeal to the general public. He made use of personal references, by mentioning that â€Å"my family unanimously urged me to do so (to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involved)†( Scholing, 2003) structuring his address on the need to reach out to th e American people and thus offer them a certain justification of his actions, which he even stresses were carried out as â€Å"to do what was best for the nation†. Therefore, one of the aims of the speech was to attract the sense of public acceptance and along with this, a closure of the chapter.Throughout his speech though, he created for himself a number of different occasions to address the general public, the electorate and subsequently those who decide in a democratic system. One such occasion was the referral to the possibilities of the American people â€Å"to have not only the blessings of liberty but also the means to live full and good, and by the world's standards even abundant lives†( Scholing, 2003). Such political rhetoric could only have pointed to the important achievements his administration had registered, although he did mention the inflation problems facing the society.Even so, he managed to draw the attention on the wellbeing of the nation by simil ar comparisons with the rest of the world. In justifying the wide media and public attention that the Watergate scandal had received, and, at the same time, in supporting Nixon’s confidence in the internal and external US position, Walter McDougall, a historian at the University of Pennsylvania, said that â€Å"the American people could afford to obsess continuously over this affair and paralyze the nation†¦the American people wouldn't have put up with that if they had thought the country was in danger†(Anderson, 2004).Nixon pointed out the successes of his administration in relation to the main international actors such as the USSR, China and the players in the Middle East. Even though, in general, the American public is less interested in foreign affairs and more in domestic issues, the Vietnam War and the broader context that determined its final outcome had provoked great unrest among regular Americans, and had created a rift in the society. Therefore, when in voking the fact that â€Å"we have ended America's longest war† (Scholing, 2003) he also tried to offer a sense of reassurance that would, in the long run, help heal the wounds of the nation.A well delimited part of the speech was aimed at underlining the distinctiveness between â€Å"I† and â€Å"Congressional and other leaders†. While addressing the public, he tried to make a clear delimitation between what the public might consider â€Å"good† such as himself, and â€Å"evil† such as those in search of his indictment. He strongly stressed the lack of Congressional support in his strive to uphold what he considered to be â€Å"the constitutional purpose†. There were even opinions that considered Nixon to have â€Å"acknowledged his lonely isolation in his televised resignation speech† (Anderson, 2004).Therefore he subtly lets himself to be portrayed as the less eager to continue the battle with the Congress, fact that had an opposit e effect on the elective body. By mentioning his lack of further action for the purpose of revenge, as he would not â€Å"continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication† (Scholing, 2003), he skillfully managed to sow the seed of doubt in the public’s mind over the real reasons for the Congress’ actions. Furthermore, he would appear in the eyes of the public as the one that appealed to a common and acceptable solution on behalf of both parties. Therefore, it could be said that, in the public view, he managed to partially save a certain political dignity.The presentation of the new president was, from a strictly political perspective, an electoral maneuver. Its placement after the subtle â€Å"attack† of the Congress insured the transfer of the political support he enjoyed among his own traditional electorate. His reaffirmed trust in Ford’s capabilities was also meant to lie to rest any uncertainties in the future course of po licy. It is rather obvious that, following that passage, the continuous and vigorous call for mobilization to take further the actions started by his administration, Nixon attempted to give an additional level of credibility to all that was previously said. His determination and explicit support for his successor was designed as a display of confidence and conviction in his arguments that, among others, motivated his innocence in the Watergate scandal.Taking into consideration the concurring factors that eventually led to the resignation of President Nixon, it can be concluded that his final speech addressed exactly the variety of these issues. Summing up the pulse of the era, McDougall considers that â€Å"even Watergate will some day be put in a larger context and will be seen as the most dramatic episode in a rebellion by Congress and the courts against executive power† (Anderson, 2004). In addressing the American people, he tried both to justify his actions and to subtly state the difference of opinion with the Congress.BibliographyAnderson, Hill. â€Å"Analysis: Nixon's watershed presidency†. The Washington Times. 2004. 14 Mar. 2006. Associated Press. â€Å"Nixon's resignation changed American politics forever†. Aug. 1999. 14 Mar. 2006 ;;â€Å"Impeachment†. American Experience. 2006. 14 Mar. 2006. ;;Kissinger, Henry. Diplomacy. London: Simon ; Schuster, 1995.â€Å"Legacy: Richard M. Nixon, 37th president†. 2006. 14 Mar. 2006.;;Schaffner, Cristina. â€Å"Political speeches and discourse analysis†. Current issues in language and society. 1996: 203. 14 Mar. 2006.;;Scholing, Peter. â€Å"Richard Milhous Nixon. Res ignation Speech, August 8, 1974†.From Revolution to Reconstruction. 2003. 14 Mar. 2006.;;Smith, Craig R. â€Å"Speechwriting in the Nixon and Ford White Houses†. California State University. 14 Mar. 2006;;Stacks, John F. â€Å"Victory In Defeat†. Time. 2 May, 1994. Richard Nixon Richard Nixon is Good Richard Nixon is considered to be one of the worst presidents of our time and for very good reasons. He lied under oath about knowledge of the Watergate scandal, he illegally invaded Cambodia and violated international law, and he installed wiretaps. All these actions caused him to resign from the Presidential office. What we don't think about, is all the good he did. Nixon did a lot for our country.From foreign affairs o the environment, he accomplished much during his time as president. First of all, one of his greatest accomplishments was the d ©tente with the Republic of China. He was the first president to visit the country, and he opened trade with China and bettered the economy by making China its biggest trade partner. He came to agreements with both China and the Soviet Union where the use of nuclear weapons would stop being used. Nixon accomplished much with our nation's environment.He passed many acts hich included the National Environmental Policy of 1969, The Environmental Protection Agency of 1970, The Clean Air Act Extension of 1970, Marine Mammal Protection of 1972, the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. We can thank him for making our environment a better place. Besides improving our environment, President Nixon also accomplished much under Civil Rights. It is because of Nixon that women have equal pay and employment opportunities today.Nixon also worked towards racism towards African Americans and helped stop the segregation towards them in the school systems. Even though President Nixon had a lot of faults and made a lot of mistakes, he couldVe handled things a lot better. So why look at only his faults? He did a lot for our country and doesn't deserve all the mistrust that people feel towards him. History seems only to remember the faults of people, but in the very end, he was actually a really good president

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Leadership Experience in 21st Century Research Paper

The Leadership Experience in 21st Century - Research Paper Example In such situations, the leaders need to communicate with the staffs properly. By this process, the leaders try to improve the relationship of the employees with the company. As per the author Drucker, in the 21st century, the organizational leaders act as a mediator between the managers and the employees. They contribute to building the strong relationship with organizational members. The leaders need to perform a wide range of responsibilities and duties for facilitating the business in holding their position in the competitive market. Most of the decisions of an organization are taken by its management team. The leaders need to communicate the decisions properly to the employees and take their feedbacks. Ineffective communication of company’s decision affects its productivity and employees performances. The leaders are responsible for managing these issues. They use advanced technologies for making the employees aware of the activities and functions of the firm. In the moder n business, employees are focusing more on the flexible rules and benefits which the companies are offering to them. It has become a vital challenge for the leader to understand what flexible rules and benefits will help the firm to retain its employees and increase its productivity. In the present scenario, staffs tend to leave their jobs frequently if they are not satisfied with the organization. Lack of skilled labour hampers the growth of the company. The leaders of 21st century develop strategies for retaining organizational members.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Grievaces and Arbitration Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Grievaces and Arbitration - Article Example In order to illuminate grievances it’s necessary to build healthy union-management relationships. It goes without saying that it is better to smooth the sharp corners on the lower levels and not to appeal to grievance procedures or even arbitration. Non-union grievance systems as the most optimal ways of employee problems are considered. Further on with the help of content analysis the aim of grievance programs, systems and their methodologies along with arbitration as an alternative for grievance procedures are discussed. Management can bring into challenge claim of allegation from labor union, because the latter may want to get extra-contractual concessions from the employer. Alongside with Chapter 6 â€Å"Grievance and arbitration† from the book by Sloan and Whitney â€Å"Labor Relations†, the article by Bohlander expresses the main idea that grievance procedures underline work-place democracy. Furthermore in the article an emphasis is made on the fact that employee expectations about sincere attitude in the work place are reflected in an increased number of grievance procedures. Arbitration is an alternative for settling the conflict if joint decision of grievance procedure fails. The article â€Å"â€Å"Labor Relations† represents grievances occurrence in collective bargaining agreements. It is clear for everybody that it is better to smooth the sharp corners on the lower levels and not to appeal to grievance procedures or even arbitration. The article shows an example of marriages and insurance contracts as well as an admixing of emotional undercurrents. Lower step settlement should be a desirable one since grievances would be solved on the level they happened (Sloan and Whitney, 2010). Comparing an example from the book by Sloan, we claim that there is a common tendency of ambiguity appearance both in insurance contracts (an example from Sloan) and labor contracts (an example from Bohlander). General conclusion of both the chapter and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

ETHICS IN THE PROFESSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ETHICS IN THE PROFESSION - Essay Example â€Å"Investments involve the transfer of necessary, existing risk from one party to another. This doesn't mean that every investment is good or wise or safe, of course† (Rodeback). However, many others are of the view that investments cannot be considered as an unethical activity since most of the investments are used in the constructive purposes of the nation. They believe that there is no point in keeping the extra money in shelf and it is better to deposit it in legitimate channels. This paper makes a case study to analyze whether investments are ethical or not. Investments can be classified into three broad categories; private investments, entrepreneurial investments and social investments. In private investments, a person is lending his resources for buying ownership in enterprises for the sake of that person’s own enrichment. In other words, the motives of the investor are selfish. Such investors will invest their money based on the chances of getting more return s. For example, share trading is one of the major private investment channel in which many of the greedy individuals invest their money for maximizing their returns. However, the risks associated with such investments are more even though the chances of higher returns are high. It is often quoted that 90% of traders lose, which leaves only 10% of traders as consistent winners. The 90% of traders that lose in the markets are those for which trading is just another form of gambling whereas for the winning 10% it is a business (Wreford) From the above statistics, it is clear that both the winners and the losers in trading approached the trading activity with a wrong intention. The winner treated trading as another form of business and the loser approached it as another form of gambling. Business is always motivated by profit-making and thus it becomes unethical. On the other hand, many other people invest term deposits which offer fixed returns on maturity. Such deposits are safer even though the investor may get only a fixed amount of return. Non-greedy investors may invest in such investment schemes and we cannot argue that their activity is unethical since their motives were not selfish. In short, investments which offer high returns with higher risk are unethical whereas investments which offer fixed returns with minimum risks are ethical in my opinion. In other words, investments which generate high levels of risks can be considered as unethical investments. Entrepreneurial Investment is the second category of investment. In this type of investments, a party is lending or giving resources to enterprises for the sake of the success of that enterprise. The success of the enterprise will indirectly influence the economic success of a nation. For example, recently big organizations in America collapsed as a result of recent recession and subsequently, American economy also showed signs of destruction. Many people lost their employment because of the destruction of organizations and economy. If an investor invests in such organizations, the chances of recovery for that organization may increase even though the investor’s chances of losing money will also be increased. The recovery of the organization may help employees to protect their employment. In other words, the investor helped the organization and its employees immensely by putting his own

The Skill of Writing Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

The Skill of Writing - Personal Statement Example The genre of academic writing requires extensive reading and research work. The research plays a pivotal role in providing write-up focus and substance. It makes the composition rich and informative. The writer must good research skill apart from being an active reader. But the highlight of academic writing is the writing style itself which is formal, grammatically correct and not unnecessarily accessorized with big words. Above all other aspects, it needs proper planning and organization to compose an academic paper. When writing an academic, essay there is a high possibility of getting lost in the overload of information supplied by the research materials. The first task is to zero down on the topic that the writer wants to work on and then sift relevant information to build up the argument of the essay. While deciding upon the argument of the essay the writer has to choose one or more perspectives of approaching the topic. In light of that perspective, the writer arranges the points in such a way that the argument looks strong and convincing. Academic  writing calls for a critical-analytical approach to the topic. The writer should attempt to develop an individual perspective in the essay yet incorporating appropriate elements from the resources as support of his argument. Quotes or paraphrasing from the references wherever necessary makes the essay resourceful and interesting. It also shows the writer’s ability to integrate and tune in information according to the need of the paper. When using references the writer must be aware of the different referencing styles like MLA, APA, Harvard, and Chicago and strictly adhere to one particular norm. The writing has to be grammatically correct, precise and to the point.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

World Religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

World Religions - Essay Example uism, Jainism, and Buddhism refer to the notion of karma in their principal beliefs, but the meaning of karma introduces some different features in the dimension of this religions and cultures. It is important to mention that there are a number of divergent and similar feature in the concepts of karma regarding this particular religions. It is interesting to investigate the peculiarities each of them and understand is basic features. Hinduism is considered to be widespread religion of South Asian people and karma is regarded as one of the principal notions in this particular belief (Smith, n.p.). The word itself refers to the Vedic texts with the basic meaning â€Å"ritual action or labor† (Smith, n.p.). The matter is that ritual of work belongs to â€Å"the construction of a religiously viable self† (Smith, n.p.). To such extend the notion of action presupposes some consequences in the present and future to the particular person. Jainism represents karma as the â€Å"net of our previous choices† that creates the experience of the present moment (Long, 84). Consequently, our current choices produce the future circumstances of our existence (Long, 84). It is important to mention that according to Jainism beliefs we all create the universe with suggesting our choices in a collective form (Long, 84). Kama consist of people’s mind, speech and body that presupposes his/her proceedings. What is more karma is regarded as an abstract substance that surrounds the soul and people’s consciousness. In the dimension of Buddhism karma first and foremost refers to the people’s intentions as they are regarded as the principal stimulators of people’s actions and proceedings (Jà ¼rgensmeyer, 70). Intention is considered to be an â€Å"essential element in moral decision making† according to Buddhism religion (Jà ¼rgensmeyer, 70). That is why they construct a principal concept of karma in this particular case. What is relevant to mention is one big similarity concerning this

Monday, September 23, 2019

Philosophy of Small Groups Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Philosophy of Small Groups - Research Paper Example In the recent times, increased diversity in the workplace has perpetuated the desire for workers to work cooperatively and collective in groups in pursuit for accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives. Even so, not all groups that are formed in an organization become effective. Apparently, group effectiveness has become integral in most organizations today. This has bolstered the significance of group effectiveness skills which include proper interpersonal communication skills, ability to diffuse conflicts, teamwork, appreciation for diversity and negotiation skills, among others (Campion, Medsker & Higgs, 2001). There is increased prevalence of organizations to adopt work groups or teams aimed at curbing a full gamut of challenges that have marred today’s business environments. As much as most groups work, a good number of them are not usually effective. The may be attributed to a plethora of reasons. Indeed, some groups lack or posses a low unity of purpose. So to speak, a group that is not committed to a common objective or a group whose objectives are not meaningful to each and every member of the group may not be effective at all. According to Argris (2010), such a group may be characterized by low performance as the members have no collective obligations towards achievement of common objectives. More often than not, Poor relationships among a group may also render the group ineffective. In this regards, a group whose members maintain poor relationships with each other within and outside the group, may not effectively achieve their goals. Such a group may be prone to conflicts and this may lower the commitment of members to the group and have adverse effects on ultimate performance. Lack of proper delegation of responsibility may also cost a group’s effectiveness. As such, if the members to a certain group are not assigned to specific responsibilities with the aim of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Initial Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Initial Report - Essay Example In this context, mathematics and especially algebra are regarded as having a significant role in the development of all aspects of human life mostly because of their use in several other sciences like physics, chemistry, medicine, astronomy and so on. In fact algebra is considered to be among the first sciences developed by human. Findings from ancient civilizations have proved the use of algebra in ancient times as a basic tool of commerce and astronomy. Through the years, the use of algebra has been extended to all industrial sectors. One of the periods that have been characterized by radical changes in sciences (including algebra) is Renaissance. During this period, the development of algebra reached extremely high levels offering the appropriate framework for the improvement of all other sciences related with algebra either directly or indirectly. This project has been divided in two main parts. In this context, in Chapter One all the details related with the choice of the subject (such as the statement of the problem, the research methodology and the reasons for choice of the project) are presented. The project is mainly developed in Chapter Two which has been divided into sub-sections in order to cover more effectively the issue under examination. In this context, in Chapter Two all particular aspects of algebra – as part of modern science - are presented while a short reference is made to the history of algebra in the pre-Renaissance period. Also, in Chapter Two the history of algebra after the Renaissance is analytically explained making primarily a short reference to the influence of Renaissance in algebra as it has been evaluated by historians of the particular period. Finally, in Chapter Three Conclusions and Recommendations on the subject under examination are made taking into account the characteristics of alg ebra as developed through

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Othello and Race Essay Example for Free

Othello and Race Essay In Shakespeare’s literary creation â€Å"Othello,† the protagonist, Othello, is a high ranking black soldier in a community of white people. Though he had gained his high marks by sheer perseverance and dedication, as it is in the old times, there are the people’s doubts. He was, after all, still a black man. Shakespeare, through this tragedy had shown the stereotypes of our modern times; that being white presents superiority or a sense of control over people of a different race, specifically those of a darker color. Shakespeare, however, did not mean to degrade or discriminate but rather, he seemed to point out the common mistakes of people that ultimately caused racism. Othello’s race and basically his skin color had played a major factor in the story’s main theme, progress and twists. The story mainly revolve on the struggle of a black man and how he found his happiness, but was cut short by other people’s jealousy and deceit. In his fight for love, the fact that he was black was used against him. It was presented to the woman’s father in a sense that generalizes black people as untrustworthy. It was also the main reason Iago used to point out that his wife Desdemona betrayed him for the love of another man, a man who happens to be of pure white ancestry.

Friday, September 20, 2019

International Trade Of Samsung Electronics Economics Essay

International Trade Of Samsung Electronics Economics Essay International diversification is very important for an international enterprise, it is a corporate strategy. It is designed by higher sales of new products and new markets, and increase profitability. Diversification can occur at the business unit level and corporate level. In this essay, we will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of international diversification for the company. At present, many companies are international based which developed their business to the different countries and regions, of course, they also facing a lot of risks and opportunities, in the following, I will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of exploring business internationally. This process involves different strategies. For the different sectors of the business, the different countries must be developed and implemented. The management of the high capacity of these strategies must be developed, the huge opportunity to enter new market of business regardless of the implementation of the big c hallenges and difficulties, cross-border diversification to attract the companys long-term growth, and growth in existing business on the market in other countries. Introduction International diversification is a basic and the most important principles in the business world. In the past decade, the impact of the value of corporate diversification has become the focus of attention of the research significantly. The vast majority of this article has focused the industry on this issue. Diversification is a strategy to increase profits for selling the new products in new markets of a corporate. In fact, all strategy has its advantages and disadvantages, one of the companys management staff will be used to achieve different purposes of these advantages and disadvantages. Diversifying internationally is a concept to enhance the value of the corporation, which is a source of foreign direct investment (FDI). Enterprises to invest overseas, the use of company assets transferred abroad, reached the economies of scale and the economies of scope. Through the operational flexibility associated with a multinational corporate system, value creation from international opera tions can also be created. Now a day, international environment is really uncertain, an internationally diversified network can gives the opportunity to the firm to exploit market conditions. Diversified corporate marketing, it can be used in a developed market, the establishment of new enterprises, so as to increase the profits of the company. Also, it can be used to diversify the investment of the companys assets, in order to prevent the downturn in the market of their country. There are two type of diversify, the first one is the internal development, through the internal expansion and diversification of production, creation of different products and brands. It can be achieve the perfect internal development. On the other hand is the external development, external expansion through acquisitions or strategic alliances to enhance the visibility of the enterprise in the global market, to expansion of profits and achieve the international standards. In the following, consumer electro nics giant Samsung Electronics is taken an example to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of international diversification. Case study Samsung Electronics Consumer electronics giant Samsung Electronics is an international corporate, It is the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung Group. Samsung Electronics the largest electronics industry in South Korea, engaged in LCD, semiconductor, mobile phones, digital media business, it is the biggest sales of the electronics industry manufacturers in the worth. Inspire the World, Create the Future. is the vision of Samsung Electronics. In the mobile phone market, Samsung Electronics is the number one of the market share in the world, successfully beat a traditional mobile phone manufacturers such as: Nokia, Motorola, Sony. Sights on future market trends to the touch smartphone, Samsung also compete to launch the products corresponded to the competitors, such as Galaxy S2, to compare with the biggest competitor Apples Iphone. 3.1 International trade of Samsung Electronics International trade across borders the transactions of goods and services, general import and export trade, therefore, it also call import and export trade. International trade directly affect the gross domestic product (GDP), it is very important for many countries; it can adjust the economic structure of the country and increase the fiscal revenue. In order to reduce the production cost, Samsung Electronics using global procurement, they looking for the potential suppliers, is committed to enhance product development, corporate culture, and contributions to the global society. Samsung Electronics and Suppliers as well as the manufacturers can cooperate to make the best product. Global procurement not only can reduce the production cost, it also can enhance the productivity. Samsung Electronics has an absolute advantage  over another in producing a good in Korea and the other country. It can produce that good using fewer resources than another country. Samsung Electronics can enjoy the absolute advantage when they conduct the international trade. In additional, Samsung Electronics conducted international trade, which also produced of foreign direct investment (FDI), FDI is direct investment into production in a country by a company in another country, Samsung Electronics investment in China or the other country, the both count ries have brought some Advantages. Now, we can talk about what is the advantages and disadvantages of Samsung Electronics when the corporation diversifying internationally. Advantages of a corporation diversifying internationally Economic of scale Economic of scale is the expansion of production scale and increase the economic benefits. It is to reflect the relationship between the concentration factors of production and the economic benefits. Economies of scale help producers to lower their cost by producing large amount of output at lower costs. Samsung Electronics has realized economies of scale in semiconductor production. Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control functions in electronic equipment, such as Samsung touch smartphone. Through the continuous improvement, Samsungs semiconductor production successfully extended the R D centers and production lines to China and other countries, and the products can sell around the world, via mass production to reduce the costs. This is the cost advantage The advantage of the economies of scale of Samsung: Can be achieve the harmonization and standardization of the products high quantity of raw materials, reduce the purchase cost Easily to control the quantity and quality of products Conducive to management and technician specialization and professionalization It can has strong competitiveness in the national market Economic of scope This is also a cost advantage to make the cost lower to produce a range of related products than to produce only one of the individual products on one company. A company can expand its range of products to take full advantage of the value of its existing capacity. Samsung produces various electronic products, such as LCD TV, LCD panel, semiconductor (DRAM, NAND Flash), mobile phones, digital cameras, LCD monitors, printers and other related electronic business, production of these products can use the same or similar of raw materials, for example ,produce the TV and the computer can use the same type of LCD screen, it can also be carried out in the same factory, and the workers all have same knowledge, produce different products to reach international diversification, fully to take the advantage of economies of scope. Spread the risk Diversifying internationally through acquisition or alliances can increase the market power of a corporation, to strengthen the competitiveness in the international market. At the same time, it can spread the risk of investment by avoid having all eggs in one basket. Enough reserve to respond to market decline. Samsung Electronics has acquired the related business companies, such as British semiconductor designer Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd, merger with Seagate Technology (USA), its market forces continue to expand and greatly enhance the visibility and competitiveness. In addition, in order to diversify their investment and risk. Samsung Electronics set up their headquarters and plants all around the world. Learn from advanced technology If a corporate diversifying internationally, for example, which part of the products to their alliances company responsible for, it can learn the expertise and technology from the alliance. Samsung Electronics maintains good relationship with their partners, to learn advanced and unique technology in all of the production process, also, they hardly to study all of the knowledge and skills from the other country, such as the electronic technology from Taiwan and the scientific knowledge from USA. Learning knowledge from difference country can enhance the quality of staff, greatly to help the long-term development of the company. In addition, it also can enhance the core competitiveness of the corporation in the world. Experts of expertise When access a new market in other country, except to learn from advanced technology, Samsung Electronics also gain the experts of expertise, combine different professionals through merger and acquisition. For example, Samsung Electronics access to the advanced country, such as USA or UK, it can gain the experts in the locality, to understand their professional science and technology. In addition, Chinas population is more than 1.3 billion, it boasts to have larger human resources than other countries. As the increasing of population, China will have the greatest number of professionals. Low labors and resources cost Samsung Electronics can enjoy the cheap labors from their country and all developing country, for example, China has 1.3 billion people and widely of the labor force, compared with the pay of workers in other countries will be lower, so, to set up factories in China or merge with Chinese companies, it can enjoy the low-cost labors and production as well as the resources and the raw materials are also relatively cheap. In addition, the lands and rent are the most put in of the funds, China has well Infrastructure, now, it investing in the outsourcing industry. Like the city Chengdu are already planning to have a high-tech zone in areas that are spanning upwards of 1 million square meters. China has the cheaper lands and low rent for build up the factories, so Samsung Electronics can save more money on this part. Enhance competitive power Foreign competition can be encouraged to enhance the companys productivity. Doing business in the international market, the companies will continue to improve the quality of their products, in order to gain a market competitive advantage. The face of powerful competitor: Apple Store, Samsung Electronics continuous innovation and reform the products, for example, Samsung Electronics produce the smartphone , such as Galaxy S2, S3, Notes, to compare with the biggest competitor Iphone from Apple Store, in order to occupy a strong position and strengthen competitiveness in the world market. 3.3 Disadvantages of a corporation diversifying internationally Increased management costs and complexity Samsung Electronics realized International diversify may add complexity of the enterprise. Merger or alliances will make management costs rise, thereby increasing the cost of production abroad. To entry into the new market, the biggest barrier is the huge capital requirement, for the established of headquarters and factories, recruitment, procurement, management etc. In addition, it have more management challenges related to structural complexity with the new administrative structures, it may increase the information processing when access the new market in the global. Language problem Actually, the language barrier is a serious problem, the coordination, communications and motivation issues are very important when access to a new market. Samsung Electronics is an oversea company, when they wants to set up factories or headquarters in China or the other country, foreigners do not understand Korean, miscommunication may occur, affecting the companys operations. They need to recruit some language expert to solve the problem, also, they can recruit the translators or local agents to manage, but it will increase the management cost. Quality problem Globalization made enterprises want to be entry in the major countries globally. To response the growing need of competitiveness in the world, many enterprise want to outsourced some of the productions in China, in order to enjoy relatively cheap production cost, Samsung Electronics outsourced parts of its production to China like the battery and the case of Samsung smartphone, actually, China is still at its early stage of being in the outsourcing industry. the quality may not be guaranteed, especially in China, although China has labor resources stronger than the other country, but the low academic qualifications and lack of skills of the workers may be affected the quality of the product. However, it can be improved by training and the technology. Economic risk Economic risks, such as exchange rates, government regulation, decline in per capita gross domestic product (GDP), inflation and capital flight. In recent years, inflation in China is very serious, inflation reflects Samsung facing the business crisis, and company may need to save the manpower and raw materials, affecting the yield and quality of its products. In the current financial risk, Samsung Electronics encountered a serious impact on the global business, it has a lot of economic problems, such as inflation, rising unemployment, these factors will directly affect the business of Samsung Electronics. Cultural risk This is a risk, because you will not know whether there will be changes, before entering each country, Samsung Electronics must understand the culture of the country, such as peoples preferences, habits and the consumer behavior, it all arising from cultural differences. Western companies are lack of understanding of Chinese culture. There is also a perception of corruption and bureaucracy in China. Samsung Electronics is located in Korea, far away from China, geography and time differences may require staff to adapt their business practices. Political risk In fact, a lot of investors, businesses entering a new market are facing the risk of political risk. Political risks including systemic risk, procedural risk, distributive risk and catastrophic risk. Such as fiscal, monetary, trade, investment etc. Rather than the risk of market factors including industrial, income, labor and development, or related to political instability, such as terrorism, coups, civil war, riots, rebellion event. Samsung Electronics is also facing of these problems, China has just started with implementing rules on security and intellectual property rights, they are still considered to have poor protection. This becomes a problem especially when manufacturing of products are outsourced to their country. Political uncertainty may also bring unexpected costs, which can be substantial. In addition, in their own country, South Korea and North Korea is still having a problem, in a tense confrontation, it may conflict at any time, affecting the operation of the enterp rise. Exchange risk International trade may cause delays in payments, for example, Samsung Electronics sell the products to other country, it may delays in payments when the goods trade between the trading companies, also It has the foreign currency problem, such as RMB and HKD, the rate is difference from Korean, affecting the cash flow of the corporation. In addition, the exchange rate of foreign currency may not stable, exchange rate fluctuations and the inflation also are the existence risk. However, in recent years, RMB rising also is the significant risks faced by Samsung, deterred many of the intended development of foreign-funded enterprises in China. RMB appreciation, rising costs of labors, raw materials and lands, all is the currency and exchange risk factors. Market risk In different countries have different regulations and standards, the corporation need to comply with the new standard when access a new market. It may have some factors to change, in order to facilitate restructure of the company, it is necessary to training or retraining of the management, for example, in the production process, the input and packing, thereby generating additional costs. In order to access to USA market, Samsung Electronics are facing the big problem which is intellectual property of the biggest competitor Apple Store. Earlier, Apple sued Samsung and its Galaxy series smartphone copied the design of the iPhone smartphone, Samsung has the hefty fines to Apple Store, thereafter, Samsung sued again to U.S. International Trade Commission and complaint the Apple Store, referring to Apple guilty of Samsung patent such as 3G, wireless technology, prohibit Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod devices sold in the United States. Plagiarism and infringement of the war, Samsung and Appl e compete with each other; there is a certain degree of difficulty in entering the U.S. market. This is the risk of Samsung Electronics. Recommendations Samsung Electronics is a leading consumer electronics brand in the world, is committed to satisfy consumers need and reach the international standard, Samsung Electronics realized international diversification, Samsung Electronics only has the Authorized Partner shop in Hong Kong. To further enhance the customer services and the quality of products, it is recommend to build up the flagship store and more retail trader all around the world, it can be expansion the sales network and strengthen the market power. In addition, in order to prove the quality of products, it is recommend Samsung Electronics to make the adjustment of the warranty period of products. In addition, in order to solve inflation and the potential risk of China, it is recommended that the plant can move to the other place, such as Vietnam, this is a developing country, the price of raw materials and the cost of labors and lands are also cheaper than China. Conclusion Undeniable, international diversification is accurate flexible and efficient for Samsung Electronics. International diversification both have advantages and disadvantages, but relatively, the advantages outweighs the disadvantages, Samsung reached in economies of scale and economies of scope, due to their constant improvement and innovation, successful in the international electronics market accounted for an important position. However, Samsung Electronics are facing a lot of risks, such market risk and the exchange risk; many of the unknown factors exist. In the long run, Samsung must have a comprehensive plan to deal with these problems. Appendix (Figure 1) Economic of scale (Figure 2) Samsung Galaxy S3 Its our business to make yours more productive. (Figure 3) Samsung products and slogan Samsung Flagship Store (Figure 4) Samsung flagship store in Singapore

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Magical Realism as a World View :: Magical Realism Literature

Magical Realism as a World View Magical Realism is the way in which a person views the world through a type of art. Magical realism deals with emotions, and it also discovers what is mysterious and meaningful in life. According to Franz Roh, in painting, is the way a person views the world through art (18, 20). Magical Realism has many characteristics that include many other ideas. Magical Realism can be observed in other subject areas, too, such as the logotherapy of Victor Frankl. Simpkins mentioned that "real life" is the "Real magic" (152). He also said that realism is heightened by magic (148-152). However, Leal felt that Magical Realism focuses on the marvelous in the real (122). Amaryll Chanady feels that Magical Realism is focused more toward reality (131). In Victor Frankl's novel Man's Search for Meaning, Frankl discusses finding this magic in life in what he calls will-to-meaning. Frankl, a twentieth century psychiatrist, states that "life ultimately means taking responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual" (122). This concept is what he called will-to-meaning. Some forms of will-to-meaning are hunger, humiliation, fear, and deep anger at injustice (8). Some importance of will-to-meaning is that he had to find a sense of responsibility in his existence (9). One of the characteristics from will-to-meaning was finding responsibility. In the story Like Water for Chocolate, a magical realist story, a girl named Tita found her circumstances so awful that she found the meaning in her cooking and gave responsibility for life. She was always getting her heart broken because she loved a man named Pedro and could not be with him. Therefore, she learned to have a responsibility for cooking. She could have rebelled and left, but she knew that she had a responsibility to cook for her family and the man whom she loved. Tita found magic in her circumstances and viewed the mundane as beautiful helping her to live successfully in these terrible circumstances. Magical Realism can be observed in other subject areas, too, such as the logotherapy of Victor Frankl. Finding examples in other "real-world" fields of study helps in understanding Magical Realism as a

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cloning And Embryo Research :: essays research papers fc

Cloning and Embryo Research: The Science Fiction Reality   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The idea of cloning a life form seemed like something read from a science fiction novel just ten years ago. Now, the theories, ideas and facts of cloning embryos have made cloning one of the most talked about social issues of our time. The researchers of this scientific breakthrough have made a lot of progress in recent years. Many have heard of Dolly, the cloned sheep, and that’s just the tip of the ice burg. This is undoubtedly the biggest and most recent breakthrough science has seen in some time. Cloning research started in Scotland. According to an article in Science News Online, â€Å"Scottish investigators grew embryo cells of Welsh mountain sheep in the laboratory. During a relatively stable stage of the cell cycle, they transferred 244 of the nuclei to the stripped-down eggs of Scottish blackface ewes† (Adler Par. 8). These nuclei had a full set of chromosomes, so fertilizing the eggs was not necessary. They then gave the eggs an electric shock to â€Å"initiate development† (Adler Par. 9). This was done after years of endless research. There was extensive research done in the area of embryo stem cells. Scientists have used such mouse stem cells for nearly a decade to create genetically altered mice (Travis Par. 8). Kaye Tucker of World Socialist Web Site writes, â€Å"These basic cells are present in the earliest stages of developing embryos and are able to develop into virtually any type of cell and tissue in the body† (Par. 3). This is where genes can be altered and clones can be made. It has been a hard task locating and being able to work with these stem cells because they are only around for a short time (Tucker Par. 6). The possibilities for new research are endless. Other than a social issue, the idea of cloning has become a moral issue. Many have asked the question, ‘Should we clone humans?’, and more have answered it. There are many who have strong opinions on the subject. Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas is quoted as saying, â€Å"The prospect of government-sponsored experiments to manipulate and destroy human embryos should make us all lie awake at night† (â€Å"Embryo† Par. 5). Researchers have been and wish to continue using surplus embryos for experimentation. Most of the breakthroughs made have been done using donated embryos (Tucker Par. 9). This moral issue has also come up in many theological discussions.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Managed Health Care Issues Essay -- Health Care, Utilization Managemen

When one examines managed health care and the hospitals that provide the care, a degree of variation is found in the treatment and care of their patients. This variation can be between hospitals or even between physicians within a health care network. For managed care companies the variation may be beneficial. This may provide them with opportunities to save money when it comes to paying for their policy holder’s care, however this large variation may also be detrimental to the insurance company. This would fall into the category of management of utilization, if hospitals and managed care organizations can control treatment utilization, they can control premium costs for both themselves and their customers (Rodwin 1996). If health care organizations can implement prevention as a way to warrant good health with their consumers, insurance companies can also illuminate unnecessary health care. These are just a few examples of how the health care industry can help benefit their patients, but that does not mean every issue involving physician over utilization or quality of care is erased because there is a management mechanism set in place. With the high degree of variations in health care, patients can be under or over treated or even treated with the wrong treatment for their illness. These unwarranted care techniques can be categorized into three different situations. The first category of unwarranted care is the use of evidence or lack thereof, based on other medical care. The way to explain this category is that a care plan for a patient is proven effective without any proof as to why. The example given by Kongstvedt (2007) is the use of beta blockers post heart attack. Beta blockers prove to be effective in nearly one h... ...rnational Journal for Quality in Health Care, 14(1), 5-13. Jacobson, P. (1999, July/August). Legal challenges to managed care cost containment programs: an intital assessment. Courts & Managed Care, 69-85. Kongstvedt, P. R. (2007). Essentials of managed health care. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett. McGlynn, E, Asch, S, Adams, J, Keesey, J, & Hicks, J. (2003). The quality of health care delivered to adults in the united states. The New England Journal of Medicine, 248(26), 2635-2645. Rodwin, M. (1996). Consumer protection and managed care: issues, reform proposals, and trade-offs. Houston Law Review, 32(1319), 1319-1381 Starfield, B, Cassady, C, Nanda, J, Forrest, C, & Berk, R. (1998). Consumer experiences and provider perceptions of the quality of primary care: implications for managed care. The Journal of Family Practice, 46(3), 216-226.

Marketing the $100 Laptop

The idea of â€Å"One Laptop Per Child† that was thought up by Negroponte was designed to offer essentially a $100 Laptop to needy children around the world to promote the use of technology in the classroom and home as an educational tool. Negroponte believed that children around the world who privileged enough to own or even access a computer were at a severe disadvantage when it came to education. The first challenge that the OLPC faced was how to design and mass-produce the $100 laptop. The issues that the design team faced was rooted in the conditions faced in the countries that the laptop would be used, not only environmental conditions but also resource availability such as electricity and Internet coverage. Another challenge that the OLPC faced was how to convince the governments that this was the â€Å"best investment† to not only improve the education in their country but also assist in their fight against poverty. With regards to the design issues and ability to make the idea a reality I think they have done a great job. They have met all the design needs of the involved countries and sourced a producer that matches the demands while offering effective pricing. In my opinion I think they have done a fair job in showing the true benefits that these laptops can provide to communities that are not privileged enough to have computers and internet in every household. The strategic placements in come communities to get the attention of the governments was a great idea like in Uruguay but I believe they should have donated more to create a bigger hype and better opinion of in the news. The difficulties with marketing the OLPC to governments were based on government’s agenda matched by their budgets. What I mean by this is that if a government decides to invest a certain proportion of their budget to the OLPC then it has to be cut from some other department, which many governments could not justify. The spending of millions on laptops for children over a health program or more teachers for classrooms was a debate faced by all involved governments and created a major hurdle for OLPC to overcome. In my opinion there are two strategic options that OLPC could undertake, the first option would be to go ahead and get project underway without the firm commitments in an attempt to grab market share through first mover advantage created by being the only sub $200 laptop and then continue to market it to governments by showing benefits through real results. The other strategic option would be to join up with one of the currently successful companies to create a unified product such as the Lenovo OLPC using combined expertise and solid customer base and distribution network to bring down overall costs and make the $100 laptop a reality out of the gates.

Monday, September 16, 2019

River Valley Civilizations of the Middle East Vocab

1. Pastoralism- the practice of raising livestock 2. Bronze Metallurgy- the study of the chemicals of the metal Bronze 3. Iron Metallurgy- the study of the chemicals of the metal Iron 4. Nile- gives people fresh water and is a major source for Egypt. The yearly activity is that it floods the river valley and moist fertile land is left behind. The resource the Nile has is the floodplain full of fertile land 5. Cataract- an unnavigable stretch of rapids and waterfalls 6. Delta- at one of the ends of rivers where the river spreads into many different streams 7.Silt- fine sand or clay that is easily carried by water 8. Papyrus- another type of paper that early civilizations used to write impotant info. It is thicker than paper 9. Irrigation- a process of saturating the land to be able to grow crops on it 10. Amun-Re- god of state and to whom common people turn to for adversity 11. Osiris- god of the underworld; his brother killed him and spread his body parts everywhere. His wife recover ed them and gave him a proper burial. The gods were impressed and brought back to life Osiris, but as a spirit, or god of the underworld 12.Seth- god of chaos; brother of Osiris who killed Osiris 13. Horus- son of Osiris; associated with the pharaohs and the Sun 14. Ptah- the chief god of the ancient city of Memphis; he is a creator god and god of architecture and crafts 15. Isis- wife of Osiris; goddess that dealt with speaking to the dead, bring n]back the dead to life, curing the sick, and magic 16. Hathor- Cow- goddess of love and music 17. Ma’at- goddess of physical and moral law of Egypt, order and truth 18. Aten- god of the sun as in a solar disk that had rays coming towards earth which represented human hands reaching for ankh the pharaoh 19.Upper Egypt- up river or up the Nile river that reached the cataracts to Memphis 20. Lower Egypt- from Memphis to the delta part of the Nile River 21. Menes- king of Memphis in Lower Egypt 22. Theocracy- a type of government where the priest rules the name of God or a god 23. Pharaoh- an emperor that ruled Egypt 24. Vizier- a high official 25. Bureaucracy- a type of government where important decisions are decided by state officials rather than elected representatives 26. Hieroglyphics- Egypt’s writing that showed events that happened 27.Nubia- Country below Egypt that competed and fought with Egypt for land and who is more powerful 28. Old Kingdom- the first kingdom of Egypt were the Pharaohs forced workers to build huge pyramids 29. Middle Kingdom- Pharaohs became less powerful and they mostly were concerned about foreign affairs and they lived during a time of great prosperity or surplus 30. Intermediary Periods- the first intermediate period was between Egypt and Nubia. They both fought over land and about politics and they had five wars. The second one was the fight between Egypt and the Hyksos, or horse riding nomads.The Hyksos had bronze weapons that they obtained from Hittites and the Mesopota mians. Once again, they fought over land but in the end, Egypt obtained bronze weapons and pushed the hyksos out of Egypt. 31. New Kingdom- the Pharaohs in this era had lesser power than their ancestors, but they did build palaces, temples, and monumental statues to show off their power. They did work to extend the land occupancy of Egypt beyond the Nile delta. 32. Hyksos- horse-riding nomads who had bronze weapons obtained from the Hittites and the Mesopotamians.They dominated Egypt for a while, but Egypt finally obtained bronze weapons also and pushed the Hyksos out of Egypt. 33. Hatshepsut- First woman pharaoh who forced workers to build a statue of her 34. Fertile Crescent- the Middle East; the area where the land was very fertile to farm 35. Mesopotamia- the land between the rivers, or the land in-between the Tigris river and the Euphrates river 36. Tigris and Euphrates rivers- the significance of these rivers were that Mesopotamia had very little rainfall, but these rivers sup plied a great amount of fresh water.The resources the rivers supplied were the ability to grow wheat, barley, and peas. 37. City-State- the early people had to control internal and external problems so they created a city-state. Within the city they controlled order and authority and prevented problems with urban citizens causing civil disorder. Externally from the city, you need a government to control foreign affairs such as agriculture in surrounding regions and authority in neighboring territories 38. Ur- a Sumerian city-state that dominated (with others) public affairs 39.Ziggurat- distinctive stepped pyramids that housed temples and altars to the principal local deity 40. Cuneiform- a form of writing used in Mesopotamia, Persia and Ugarit that involved wedged shapes on clay tablets 41. Sargon of Akkad- a talented administrator and a brilliant warrior who conquered all the cities of Sumeria. His life span was from 2370-2315 b. c. e 42. Epic of Gilgamesh- the story of a hero, wh o killed an evil monster, rescued Uruk from a ravaging bull and matched his wits to the gods. Enkidu, a cherished friend of Gilgamesh, offended the gods and he was sentenced to death.He wanted to cheat death and have a eternal life so he found a magical plant that granted that, but a serpent stole it and this made Gilgamesh realized the death is the ultimate fate for all human-beings 43. Hammurabi’s Code- if a person is an offender, or someone who does something morally wrong, he/she shall face a fierce punishment such as death, or cutting your hands off. 44. Sumeria- first civilization of Mesopotamia which prospered with its many different cities 45. Babylonia- dominated Mesopotamia because of its great culture.The king was Nebuchadnezzar who built famous buildings. Babylonia was great until the Assyrian empire took over 46. Assyria- they were interested in enforcing laws and expansion. After they took Babylonia, they expanded much of southwest Asia. They conquered Syria, Pa lestine, most of Anatolia, and most of Egypt. They believed in Hammurabi’s laws. King Assurbanipal had a library that saved great literature that survived to present day. 47. Neo Babylonia/Chaldean- a Babylon soldier named Nabopolassar wanted to overthrow Assyrian rule, but Egypt supported the Assyrians.There were many battles and Babylonia was starting to win and they captured the capital of Assyria. Meanwhile, Babylonia captured Jerusalem and there were peace treaties between the Cilician and the Syennesis leaders. In the end Babylonia dominated over Assyria 48. Hittites- they migrated to Anatolia where they imposed their languages and ruled the people there. They built a power kingdom which had close relations with Mesopotamia. They traded with Babylonia and Assyria and they adopted cuneiform writing. Later the Hittites conquered eastern Anatolia, northern Mesopotamia, and Syria all the down to Phoenicia. 9. Patriarchal- a type of government in which the eldest male has al l the power and male descendants will get the power eventually. 50. Hebrew- a language and a religion that people from early times to present day practice 51. Phoenicians- an early Greek society. They did not have a monarchy, but rather different city-states with local kings. They interest in state building and their military. They deeply influenced other civilizations because of their industry and trade networks. They traded overland and they traded goods such as raw materials, or textiles, decorative items, pottery, etc.They also created their own alphabet which indicated their interest in literature, religion, and historical writings. 52. Indo-European- Common languages were Old Persian, Greek, and Latin in Europe because indo-Europeans migrated all over Eurasia. The origin of Indo-European was in present day Ukraine and southern Russia. They built their society in 4500 to 2500 b. e. c. They raised cattle, sheep, goats, and they domesticated horses. They used horses for wagons, c arts, and chariots for travel. The Indo-Europeans migrated south, east, and west distributing their language.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Black Slavery among the Cherokee Indians Essay

Despite the great attention that Black slavery are getting from different groups and individuals, the plight remains as there are some aspects that need to be further scrutinized and observed. Based on available literature, the slavery on Black tribes has been given only given a limited attention and that there has been a very low awareness that there exists slavery in the tribes of the Blacks Americans, including the Cherokee Indians. Southern histories which are supposed to retell the stories of Southern Americans do not provide a clear understanding and a vivid account on the slavery Cherokee nation. There are no available accounts of the complete history of the Cherokees and if there is, it only provides a little space for the discussion of the Cherokees—but nothing substantive, really. The Cherokees are said to be slave owners and regard themselves as a superior tribe. But despite their being slave owners, they treat their slave humanely unlike their white counterparts. The book Red over Black: Black Slavery among the Cherokee Indians written by R. Halliburton Jr. basically revolves around this idea and unmasks the unknown facts of slavery in Cherokee Indians. revolves around this issue The author exposed the different aspects of slavery in Cherokees and appears to have exhausted the literature available with regards to the Indian Cherokees. The author made use of historical accounts to present factual thoughts on Indian Cherokee slavery. The book is written in outline form so as to provide the readers a chronological narrative of the facts and data about the Indian Cherokee slavery. The book is written in detail as the author employed a descriptive and narrative style to provide a clearer scenario of what he is trying to relate to his readers. The author presented his perspective in the issue on slavery of Indian Cherokees—or Indians in general. The author related that Indian Cherokees give benefits to their slaves. They even provide training for the development of their slaves. Their slaves are even hired to serve as carpenters, gardeners or other works that they deem in line with the slave’s capacities. After a while, these slaves would be eventually set free. Perhaps, the intended audience of the author is the general public who has little knowledge on the culture and history of Black slavery particularly on the side of the Cherokees. The book could serve as a tool for realization of the intended audience to what the Indian Cherokees has to offer. The book offers a different perspective on slavery. The usual accounts of literature would project slavery as one extremely negative thing—the scenario that slaves are always overworked and unpaid. The book also breaks the stereotypes among Black Americans or Indians. The blacks are always depicted as inferior and powerless, but this book did otherwise. The book, I think, succeeded in persuading me in the thesis presented. Through the author’s analytical narratives and description, he was able to present his points and ideas clearly and effectively. Generally, the book is commendable in its effort to unmask the unexplored part of the American history. It is an attempt in breaking the stereotype of the inferiority of the Blacks. More so, it is an excellent source in presenting another perspective of the American history while upholding the empowerment of the Black Americans. The author, R. Halliburton Jr. , is an author of a number of books pertaining to Black Americans. The usual themes of his book are the discrimination and interesting facts addressing the social plight of the Black Americans. Reference: Halliburton, R. Red over Black: Black Slavery among the Cherokee Indians. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Microsoft Organizational Growth & Control Study Essay

Microsoft has been a highly influential and instrumental organization of change during our lifetime. At times we praise these innovations, and at times we’ve cursed it. The Government has tried to control it. Organizations have tried to imitate it. By no means has this company had an easy time. Organizational growth goes through stages, each culminating in a crisis stage which must be overcome in order to continue growth. Let’s evaluate how Microsoft met these challenges. 1.Relate Microsoft’s problems with its control and evaluation systems to each of the stages of growth in Greiner’s model. In stage 1 of Greiner’s model of organizational growth, ‘growth through creativity’, ‘the norms and values of the organizational culture, rather than the hierarchy and organizational structure, control people’s behavior’ (Jones, 2010, p. 315). For Microsoft, the control and evaluation systems were likely driven directly by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, where Bill reviewed continued programming as well as leadership during the first five years of the business. In stage 2 ‘Growth through direction’ Microsoft partnered with IBM to provide its PC-DOS operating system to the IBM PC (â€Å"Bill Gates,† February 18, 2012, p. 1). Luckily Bill maintained the OS copyright, which created a differentiation between hardware and software in the marketplace and propelled Microsoft to one of the first corporations to market in the software space. At this point Bill moved from startup to established corporation and appointed his senior management team, and situated the corporation in Redmond, Washington. In stage 3 ‘growth through delegation it’s likely that the small work groups described in this case for analysis story was forming and performing. Innovation was delegated to these teams and control functions of the performance reviews were tied to the team structure. Performance was likely directly tied to the revenue of the product the team was contributing too, and likely evenly distributed. This is typically the case when the company is thriving. So too, the ‘crisis of control’ that accompanies this stage led to the performance management changes that caused difficulty for the Vista release, political stress, and deterioration of team dynamics (Jones, 2010, p. 330). For stage 4 ‘growth through coordination’, Senior Leadership likely stepped in to reassume control and evaluate the situation to make appropriate corrections to get back on track. I lived in Washington State at that time and had many colleagues that worked at Microsoft. As the text states, Microsoft was very secretive about its information, but I do know that there was a significant amount of reorganization and attrition that accompanied whatever changes they made during that time. There was extensive emphasis placed on getting the following product releases out the door in timely fashion, and although there appeared to be an elevated amount of bugs in the release, timelines did improve. 2.Microsoft today is most likely in the growth through collaboration stage. How do you recommend it changes its structure, culture, and control systems to solve its problems at this stage? At this stage in Greiner’s model ‘growth through collaboration’, Microsoft should begin to focus efforts for more coordination between levels of the organization. The product team structure that Microsoft utilizes should stay intact, but the management action with teams should be less rigid and more supporting. Time to market and customer needs are paramount, and policy and process must accommodate quick response in support of these goals. The small team structure that made Microsoft the great company it is should be maintained. This composition supports an organic organizational structure that is advised at this stage to be fully effective and keep costs low. Microsoft has transitioned through Greiner’s model of organizational growth and amassed billions in profit despite standard periods of crisis. This shows that the organizational structure and culture of Microsoft is one of strength and discipline to make adjustments as needed to continue its dominance in the marketplace. And as organizations change, the culture and its employees must adjust as well. Many innovative businesses have been spun off or benefitted from those employees that decided not to stay. For better or worse, that company has provided great gain to the technical revolution of our time. References Bill Gates. (February 18, 2012). In Bill Gates. Retrieved February 18, 2012, from Jones, G. R. (2010). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Rivington Hospital Laundry Department Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rivington Hospital Laundry Department - Essay Example The existing budget is more than enough to demoralize her. This budget may cause some serious changes in the apparent behaviour of the laundry supervisor as she is not happy and satisfied with the way she has been held responsible for every cost of the laundry department. Different kinds of behaviours can be displayed by the laundry supervisor, the details of some of them are provided below: Quality Compromise The biggest change in the behaviour of the laundry supervisor would be shown in terms of the quality that she provides. After this performance report, her aim and objective would be to cut the cost and meet the targets specified in the budgets, and in doing so, if the quality of laundry service is compromised, she would not focus on it too much. After all, the administrators are more concerned with meeting the budgets, in this way the overall quality of the department may likely be hampered by such move of the administrators. Restricting the Activity Level Since the major cause of adverse variances in the existing budget is the increase in the activity level due to which more laundry services were provided and as a result the level of costs also increased in every manner, including the excessive cost of hiring an additional worker, therefore, the laundry supervisor would try to restrict the activity level to the budget level and may not provide the laundry services to the additional activity level so that the budgeted activity level should not be crossed. In this way, the excessive cost can be reduced which occurred as a result on increasing the actual activity level. This move would surely decrease the overall activity level of the hospital but result in meeting the budgeted costs. Falsification and Misrepresentation The laundry supervisor may also use some negative tactics in order to provide a better picture to the administration by reporting the falsified and misrepresented figures of the activities of the laundry department so that budgets can be ful filled accordingly. This step would cause the likelihood of frauds in the hospital. On a concluding note, if the administration is quite keen in getting the budgets fulfilled by the laundry department, it would have to include the laundry supervisor in budget setting activity so that a unanimous budget can be established which would surely be challenging but at the same time achievable to the laundry supervisor. b) Criterion for Variance Investigation The investigation of variance is undoubtedly an important objective of the organization such that the organization is more interested to find out the root cause of such variances. The variances may be either favorable or adverse in nature. The organization should focus on investigating both types of variances because generally the favorable variances are considered as good and they are not investigated but they have serious negative implications behind them. Managers normally try variances to be more favorable because in this way their performance would be marked high and they would be appraised on a better note. But on the other side of the picture, the favorable variances are pulled out deliberately by those managers such as hiring the low-skilled workers or even unskilled workers and purchasing the poor quality raw material etc. In this way, the favorable variances leave negative impacts and harm the overall organizational goals. The overall criteria to examine the variances should be based on the nature and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Discuss FEMINISM IDEOLOGY and relate it to social work practice and Essay

Discuss FEMINISM IDEOLOGY and relate it to social work practice and values - Essay Example The form of feminine liberalism is more a fusion of individual rights and active government; it consists of two main parts. Firstly, the social-welfare component prescribes significant social and economic functions to alleviate the effects of capitalism. The philosophys second major component reaffirms classical liberalisms central values. This work goes into greater detail about the different feminine ideologies within the main body of the work. It also goes on to orchestrate how the variations in liberalist attitudes and perceptions have an impact on the type of social work and services that are offered and rendered to people in society. The conclusion of the work illustrates that in a democratic society, social feminine liberalism can, in a sense, add stability while sustaining individual liberty. Likewise, in the areas of individual rights, freedoms and economic equality, the feminine ideologies are vindicated in their quest for reinterpretation. Through welfare, some liberty wil l be sacrificed, but in this way, equality imposed in the right amount can strike a satisfying balance in social work and in the social life of all people. It is first very important to understand the fundamental distinction between the two different kinds of liberty and consequently the origins of such that exist within feminine ideology. This is because an assortment of the feminine ideologies, such as liberalism, delves into the more political aspects that affect people in a social atmosphere. These political elements also affect the type of services that people get from social services as well. Throughout history, these political entities have been addressed, dating as far back as the 16th century. In 1690 John Locke wrote the essay, ‘Two Treatises of Government’, where he redefined the relationship between government and the people,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Importance of the 1967 War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Importance of the 1967 War - Essay Example Nasser had ways of knowing what really was going on in the armed forces and knew that they were inferior in quality Nasser was very fanatic towards USA as compared to Reynolds below is the example he quoted after 1967 defeat "If I started considering how strong America is and how strong I am, even before I started my calculations I should come to the conclusion that America has air, land, and sea superiority over us." Nasser did not lose his hope after the defeat from the Israelis in 1967. He was known to how to manipulate the emotions of the people in this regards he spoke to the public in his speech below: "Our enemies have succeeded in winning a military victory, but our country has not fallen, has not accepted defeat, but has decided to stand fast. They have applied economic pressure to us and, despite this pressure, we have not surrendered but have marched on. We have imposed restrictions on ourselves and have accepted these restrictions. Our enemies have failed to destroy us economically. Hence, there remains one thing for them to do-to strike at the domestic front and to break up the alliance of the people's working forces because if the domestic front collapses the hostile , imperialist forces and Israel will achieve the aims they have so far been unable to achieve .... Brothers, there is no alternative to victory for our nation. The nation is capable of achieving victory provided it mobilises its forces and benefits properly from its energy and conditions, and also if we can build up and safeguard our domestic front according to the needs of the battle mestic front is the pillar of the fighting front. We must expose, defeat and crush all enemy attempts to influence the domestic front." Reynolds believes that in june 1967 constituted... "Our enemies have succeeded in winning a military victory, but our country has not fallen, has not accepted defeat, but has decided to stand fast. They have applied economic pressure to us and, despite this pressure, we have not surrendered but have marched on. We have imposed restrictions on ourselves and have accepted these restrictions. Our enemies have failed to destroy us economically. Hence, there remains one thing for them to do-to strike at the domestic front and to break up the alliance of the people's working forces because if the domestic front collapses the hostile , imperialist forces and Israel will achieve the aims they have so far been properly from its energy and conditions, and also if we can build up and safeguard our domestic front according to the needs of the battle mestic front is the pillar of the fighting front. We must expose, defeat and crush all enemy attempts to influence the domestic front." Reynolds believes that in june 1967 constituted a crisis of faith for many "muslims

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Boundaryless Career Deined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Boundaryless Career Deined - Essay Example Though the new boundaryless career era brought along with it a number of exciting features, along with the benefits, there are a number of challenges created by it for the modern graduates. The challenges in the new business world According to scholars like Brocklehurst (n.d.p. 3-4), there are certain fundamentals that people seek in their jobs. Some important aspects are security, community and self-fulfillment. Admittedly, gone are the days when an employee was hired by a company for his lifetime, and once employed, the employees felt considerable amount of security in their jobs. However, in the modern workplace, one is not in a position to feel secure as there is a possibility of change at any time. Companies change their strategies on an everyday basis, they change technologies and consequently the employees are met with a flood of newer and newer information that they fail to grasp fully. While the ones who are able to assimilate and adapt according to the changes manage to sta y afloat, the ones who cannot are left behind. The second point is the community feeling. Evidently, as the work place is volatile, it is a place of discontinued events, and hence, the employees normally find it difficult to grow and retain lasting relationships. The last point is the feeling of self-fulfillment. Admittedly, having some relations and the feeling of belonging are essential for the feeling of self fulfillment. However, when the career ladder is ever-climbing, one feels restless and helpless. Thus, admittedly, the first challenge for the young graduates in the modern business arena is to learn to live without the security that is given by a single employer. The second major challenge for the graduates is the need for life-long learning. To illustrate, gone are the days when a fresher joined a company and went on doing the very same job throughout his life. Now, even a person who wants to pursue the same job will have to learn new and new things as technology goes on ch anging and as newer and newer forms of technology go on assaulting the workplace. For example, if an accountant in the past only required accounting skills, the present-day accountant has to do it using computer and modern software that change every now and then. Thus, for a modern day employee, learning has become life-long, and they have to continue applying the skills and knowledge they learned in one situation in another. The third issue facing young graduates is that they should be adaptable in the modern business world. For example, a manger in a multinational firm will have to work in various cultures and various geographical areas, and the skill of a manager is usually assessed by his readiness to get used to the situations. The one who has foreseen the situation is the best and he epitomizes the modern day employee. The one who is able to adapt immediately will also change and survive. Without the ability to adapt, the employee does not get any feeling of security. In other words, as Sullivan and Emerson (n.d., p.3) point out, ones feeling of security is decided by ones own ability to improvise, not by the employee’